sunday morning

at Basecamp

Join us Sunday Morning for 2 Gatherings at 9:00 + 11:00 AM as we encounter the love of our Father in worship, teaching, and prayer.

on livestream

For those who cannot join us in person we invite you to join us online for a livestream experience of our Gathering.

his kingdom come

life together


Join a small group of others who are learning what it means to live out the ways of Jesus together.


Learning together reminds us that our pursuit of Jesus is meant to be done in community.

his will be done

SERVE together

serve local

We partner with many local organizations to provide care in the areas of Health, Food Security, Foster Care, Adoption, and YoungLife. Check out the ways in which you can get involved.

serve global

The work of loving our neighbors extends overseas to our global partners loving well all across the world. Check out the ways you can engage globally.

on earth
as in heaven.


So many opportunities to engage with Red Door in the coming weeks and months.


We have a little philosophy for our families around here we like to call Equipegration.